Sorry if my last one was a little rushed:) I might have been a little excited to get to this one:) And yes, this one is going to be a little sappy, but this is my blog, and I call the shots:)
So when I got back from Greece, I had the night to do some laundry and get everything cleaned up for when Michael got here the next day:) I woke up really early and went to the airport, really really early so I was positive I wouldnt miss him:)
Finally he came through the sliding doors and I got to give him a hug for the first time in 9 weeks. Let me tell you people, I will never go that long again. I missed him, and already miss him so much. Anybody who has done distance, especially distance between two different continents, you know what Im talking about. Communication is such a challenge, trust, and patience, and everything is such a challenge. But its so worth it. Being away from one another has been one of the greatest things for mine and Michaels relationship. I honestly think that. We have done so much maturing and growing together through all this time apart. Bah Im making myself tear up just writing about it:)
So anyways he got here safe and sound, starving and exhausted, but he was here and I have never been happier:) What an incredible blessing he is, and that he had the chance to come visit me=] I feel so lucky that he could come be here, not many couples get to travel, let alone get to spend a week together in beautiful Firenze:)
I wont put you all through every step that we took and every sip of cappuccino that we had, but we had such a good time. I dont want to speak for him, but honestly this week was the greatest of my life=] I showed him all of my favorite spots, and we walked all up and down the Arno, which is my favorite part of all of Italy. We ate all my favorite foods, and got to cook together, and go grocery shopping together, it was perfect. We sat in multiple parks and just talked and it was perfect:) The weather was perfect. Everything was perfect:)
So the point of this blog is the story:) So I guess Ill get to it:) Monday we woke up and were going to go out and walk around, the weather, like I already said, was unbelievable. Michael insisted that he bring his backpack, which was a little silly I thought, but he brought a lock and he hadnt let me see it yet so I thought he was just being sneaky and trying to keep the lock hidden till later. A little background on the lock thing: On the Ponte Vecchio, which is the most famous bridge over the Arno, which is right where I live, is well known for having locks all over it. All different kinds, but mostly padlocks. The old tradition is that you put a lock on the bridge representing you and your loves relationship. And then you toss the key into the river so that the lock will be on the bridge forever, aka your love will last forever. I had told MIchael a while ago that I wanted to do that while he was here. Its touristy and cheesy but I love it:) So he (without me knowing) bought a lock and brought it with him. When he told me he had brought a lock I got a little teary:) I didnt think he would have even remembered me talking about doing the lock thing. But alas, my precious boy remembered and brought one with him:) So he was keeping it a secret what it looked like, he had told me where he went to get it, and that it was really old, and the brand doesnt even exist any more and all of that. So anyways, thats what I thought the backpack was about. It was a little silly that he bring the whole thing, but it was precious that he wanted to keep it a secret:) So we walked a while, and found some sandwiches that we got and ate on the river:) Then we kept walking because I wanted to show him this really pretty park that I found while running. So we walked and walked and got to the park, and all the benches were full, so we walked to the very end of the park, and there was our bench:) There is a picture of the bench on my facebook if you want to see it:) And we sat down and just talked for a while, just sitting with that boy is the greatest=] Finally he reaches over to his bag and asks me if I want to see the lock. And he pulls out this really old beaten up box with the lock in it and hands it to me, and I open it up and guess whats locked on this beautiful padlock? The most gorgeous engagement ring I have ever seen. And I ask him whats on the lock and hes talking about how its a big deal and how I really need to think about it becuase were about to toss the key in the river and something something (its a little bit of a blur, because at this point im crying and so excited I can barely hold myself together) and he asks me to marry him=] He asks me to marry him!!!!! =]]]] Of course I say yes, I have never wanted anything more than to spend the rest of my life with Michael Weller=] So I unlock the padlock and get the ring off and since then, it has been sitting on my finger=] There are pictures of the ring on facebook too=] Im telling you people, I have never seen a more gorgeous ring, or heard of a more precious proposal, I might be a little biased but I think my story wins. I am the luckiest girl in the world=] My boyfriend came to visit me in Italy and left, my Fiancé:) I got to spend the week with my best friend without any kind of schedule or time constraint. We climbed to the top of the Camponille which is the tower next to the Duomo. We ate the most delicous sandwiches and sat in the park and talked about everything. I get to marry Michael Weller!!! I feel like I could do cartwheels for the rest of my life=] So right now, hes flying home:( I miss him so much already:( I really really hate being away from him, but I am so confident that we can do this. I know that we are already so much stronger for having gone so long and now we only have a couple of weeks till we have a whole summer together:) I get to plan a wedding!! I get to marry my best friend=] I am so happy=]
Thank you everybody who had any part in this, whether you kept it a secret or helped in any way:) This week could not have been better=] I cannot wait to come home and spend the summer with him=]
I love you Michael Joseph, I can't wait to grow old with you, and learn and serve this world with you as my partner and best friend=] Thank you for being patient with me, and being so willing to make this work even when we are so far away. I have never loved anyone like I love you=]]]
Ill blog soon, but I don't know that ill have anything that can top this one:)
Ps I miss my sweet Fiancé Michael=]]
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